The new PR generation

Public Relations has evolved over the years, as digital media has emerged. It has also resulted in the sector implementing innovative ideas to reach a wider audience. 

Client’s communication needs are continually changing, meaning that PR agencies are starting to expand their services for broader communication value.

The typical skills of a PR practitioner range from content creation and executive coaching to media relations and research. While we are aware of how much power the media holds, incorporating creative digital content has shown increased engagement among the youth and social media generation.

We are living in a time where engaging content is becoming more and more important and where becoming a 'trendsetter' has equal value too.

Agencies big and small, are now taking ownership of an economy which is built on efficiency, effectiveness and loyalty, to generate sales, build brands and achieve ‘ultimate success’ in business. 

Content is king

The future of PR will be driven by carefully constructed, thoughtful content that engages readers and delivers information quickly and succinctly. 

Creating quality content and this includes video, is something that many brands will pay a premium for and PR experts should be ready to take that business.

Creating a structure where content is delivered digitally to mass audiences will be the most effective way of promoting the reputation of brands going forward. Capitalising on this relatively new way of communicating is already top of the agenda for PR professionals around the world. 

Furthermore, a message’s impact can’t be truly understood without measurement. Data analysis will be key. Measuring value must start at the beginning, with an understanding of what your client’s business needs are. This will most likely inform some, if not all the campaigns you run and the execution will likely drive those results.

Don't lose focus 

While the future of PR clearly relies on the millennial generation, both in implementation and reception, it will be equally important that those who have been in the industry for a very long time understand the route they are taking and the effects it could have on their audience. 

Maintaining a positive relationship with consumers and stakeholders is important. Make sure your messages are not forced or inappropriate to the audience you are targeting. Know the market you are working  for or in and how a considered, and well planned communication strategy is vital for every piece of communication. 

The future of the PR industry remains optimistic.  What will be key going forward, will be ensuring that  those who support it and understand it, are prepared to think outside the box, move with the times and are able to embrace change as it comes.