How to build your network during a global pandemic

Many of us have been wondering how to maintain our career and professional momentum to achieve goals, when everything seems to have slowed way down. 

The global pandemic has altered plans, cancelled face-to-face conferences, meetings and potential opportunities for building thoughtful networks and engaging with various stakeholders. 

Covid-19 has taught us a number of lessons in the last six months - from upholding responsibilities to being resourceful in tough times.The internet has opened up a range of services and we are seeing many companies utilising the digital space in a way they never did before. At the click of a button, a platform to share your thoughts and to reach out to billions of people has been democratised. Similarly, major events and conferences to network have gone virtual,meaning it has offered an alternative way of contacting many professionals and executives online.

While the impact of the lockdown has taken away those personal human interactions, it has also shown that our time can be utilised quite effectively through virtual networking opportunities,while allowing us to stay safe at the same time. 

Here are five tips to build your online presence and communicate your work positively through multiple online channels and outlets.

1) Work on your digital presence 

Your digital presence is your reputation and is key to maintaining brand visibility and influencing networks. It should always reinforce a positive presence of your work and personality. The goal of networking is to enhance the relationships you share with people online and offline, in a way that’s both balanced and authentic. In a virtual setting, you can do this continuously while engaging on social media and having a strong presence on the major social networks.Consistency is key and will help you grow your network and build  momentum.

2) Deliver authenticity and value 

Remain authentic with your followers. When reaching out, don’t be afraid to mention the pandemic and the effect it may be having.Be empathetic. Ask people how they are coping and how it is affecting them. How  networking operates has changed, but the human aspect remains the same. Showing a genuine interest in others will be appreciated.

3) Invest in a communication strategy

Creating a public facing programme, through good storytelling and PR building can increase your adaptability and critical thinking while networking. When messaging, be thoughtful and inculcate new ideas in your approach. One size may not fit all, so you might want to reconsider sending the same note to multiple contacts at the same time. Invest your time in crafting specific and unique approaches towards each person. There is always room for fresh and innovative ideas that will help you communicate effectively and continue to change and provide space for different stages of interaction and collaboration with the right networks.

4) Fortune is in following up

Tactful persistence is the key to success. Setting reminders for yourself about whom to contact next, when, and how, builds up an organisation’s structure. When you progress from a first conversation and start to truly understand someone, a friendship sparks and after multiple interactions your follow-up seems to serve as the ‘sunlight and water’ required to grow that encounter into a fruitful network. 

5) Verbal connections build relationships

Another amazing method is an actual phone call. Why? Because it lets people hear the sincerity in your voice, whereas, emails, messages or letters can often get lost in translation and pale in comparison to human interaction. Brushing up on your phone skills is so important at a time when digital ways are becoming the go-to method for communication. It helps you stand out and build a rapport with existing and new clients. More importantly, people will appreciate your time and the effort you make to communicate with them beyond an email.